PLEASE ONLY POST - Articles, Official Letters, Testimony, Rules and Regs. Moe - perhaps a Sticky is



You would think the negative publicity would help. I saw a thread here from a person who previously worked in the lending industry. Maybe she can shed some light on how negative publicity affects these buttheads.


LoanSafe Member
THANKS2YOU -- are a true warrior.
Oh. It appears you and I know that the report card was CRAP. How about the report only including the 60+ days delinquent borrowers. HELLO! I know there are borrowers who are adamant about paying their mortgage, NO MATTER THE COST. Yes, this means borrowing against credit cards to make that happen. ARE THESE NOT THE SAME PEOPLE YOU SHOULD BE BOWING DOWN TO? Oh yeah, you have a better business if you foreclose. I was so naive beginning this journey, I actually thought if I could show Skank that it would cost them more foreclosing than getting my mod, no brainer, right? WRONG!

I could only wish that the majority of Americans are borrowing against SKANK credit cards to pay their mortgage! Okay, selfish in that thought but WHF? I can dream, can't I? File BK and let this $10 million executive salary take a wayside.

Most definitely a smoke screen and I hope that smoke blows up the buttholes of the any skank subsidiary, BOA, BAC, you know the companies created to hide this bullsheat.

The only hope we have with Obama stepping up to FORCE these TARP funds babies to be held accountable is about as good as hoping my kid steps up to stop back-talking his mama. Slim to none, my guess. NOT going to happen. I voted for this SOB, I will definitely be instrumental in voting his sorry ass out when I get the chance.

Reduction of principal you say.... not a chance in most cases. The government was responsible for this crisis. Where the double H e ll where they when the predatory lending was here at it's finest. No where. Wonder why.... couldn't be greed, could it? WTF?

WHERE ARE THE JAIL SENTENCES? No where. Oh that's right. The banks are in bed with the politicians.

I have a small part I can play. Voting your sorry ass out when I can. You bet your sweet bippie I will. I am quite influential. If I can play a part in voting your sorry butt out, you can bet your sweet beepie I will play the most active role every recorded in voting your sorry butt out of office.

I will fight against this injustice until there is no fight left. FAITH, a loansafe member has instilled in me a new found courage that I will it until I can no more. You took her home you piece of crap. I will devote more hours a week to this cause than I do to earn my salary.

Let's go!
Judge blasts bad bank, erases 525G debt -


Thank you for your inspiring reply !

Here is an article on a True American Hero, An Ethical, Fair & Moral Judicial Judge, who sees the overall TRUTH and holds the Banking Institutions Accountable for all their Banking Hate Crimes against Humanity !

Judge blasts bad bank, erases 525G debt -

Let us all keep telling the factual truth about these Banking Devils, just as Judge Jeffrey Spinner has done in this 1 case.

Hopefully, all honest Judges will follow in Judge Spinners footsteps, as Judicial precedent for making Banks, Servicers and Investors fully accountable, in that all Banks, Servicers and Investors MUST AT THE VERY LEAST, MAKE PERMANENT SUSTAINABLE MODIFICATIONS FOR ALL TRULY DISTRESSED BORROWERS & or who have, in any way shape or form, been DEFRAUDED & or Discriminated against !

That covers at least 90 % of in need borrowers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Finally some true Juridical Justice !

Thank you Judge Jeffrey Spinner. You are a True American Hero !

Respect to all here on this wonderful forum.



Judge blasts bad bank, erases 525G debt -



LoanSafe Member
I have a small part I can play. Voting your sorry ass out when I can. You bet your sweet bippie I will. I am quite influential. If I can play a part in voting your sorry butt out, you can bet your sweet beepie I will play the most active role every recorded in voting your sorry butt out of office.
If you believe a single politician has the ability to control the banking industry, you must be living in a dream-world (nope, not even the President is that powerful). The banking-lobby is more powerful than him, the health-insurance lobby is more powerful than him etc., etc.. Keep in mind that the majority of Obama-opponents believe in the 100% pure market-economy, meaning a program like HAMP is considered socialism and shouldn't exist in the first place. You can't have it both ways:

Bashing Obama - the "liberal" guy - AND asking for full control over the banks. How's that supposed to work?

But anyway, I'm not a fan of political discussions in general threads (I love doing so where it's appropriate) so I think we should stick to the topic of this thread.;)


LoanSafe Member
I've been absent from here the last few days with family visiting from out of town, but just came across this news article announcing new plans to be released Monday to increase loan modifications:
New Push on Mortgage Relief -

Thank you again AMA125

I think our Voices, regarding the true Hate Banks have for the millions of distressed, in hardship, homeowners, which for the most part were and are being defrauded and discriminated against by the Banks, are finally being heard.

I noticed in the end of the article you gave to us, Litton stated that borrowers, but Litton dehumanizes ALL borrowers and just calls people "loans" .... Anyway, Litton states quote, "Loans that do not pass the Net Present Value test / NPV test, are NOT eligible" for a modification under the Obama program.

As I recall, from the Fannie Mae guidleines, isn't that Litton statement just another BASIC BANKING BS statement / half truth LIE, when it comes to Homeowners / People / Borrowers / " Loans," which are owned by Fannie Mae or even Freddie mac ?

I recall reading somewhere that even when Borrowers fail the NPV test that the lender / Servicer is OBLIGATED by law, to provide a Loan Modification to all homeowners / borrowers, who have loans owned by Fannie or Freddie .

Am I correct in this NPV test thing, when it comes to loans held with Fannie or Freddie being the investor ?

Or has something changed ?

Thank you for any info AMA125




LoanSafe Member


LoanSafe Member

Not every GSE-loan with a negative NPV can be modified under HAMP.

Check out page 3:

Thank you for your fast reply and direct www link to my question.

A tremendous help regarding the current truthful NPV facts !

Tricky little loopholes these Banking Institutions have...........

Hopefully the Obama administarton will soon realize they need to do much more and eliminate these modification avoiding loopholes, in order to accomplish the permanent modifications needed to truly help the Main Street Economy.

Here is another article about Modification " SWAT TEAMS "

White House tries to spur mortgage relief plan - Real estate-

One step at a time I suppose, until they FINALLY get it right, by changing HAMP guidelines to truly help more people remain in their homes

White House tries to spur mortgage relief plan - Real estate-

Thanks again MYHAMP & congratulations on your Mod !


LoanSafe Member
Thanks, THANKS2U!;)

There certainly are some loopholes - especially in regards to the NPV. Example: This 100% LTV-restriction (interest-bearing amount must be higher than current value or servicer is not required to modify) even applies to cases where the NPV is POSITIVE. I have no idea why sine the fact alone that the NPV is positive should do the trick for the lender...:(


LoanSafe Member
Thank you Irishgal

YouTube - Why Bank Of America Fired Mel

This is why I closed all my accounts at Bank Of America.

This former Bank of America Employee States Bank Of America is EVIL.

Bank of America is most certainly Evil & Cruelly Corrupt.

This 1 employee tells her story in person on YOUTUBE, which barely scratches the surface of a huge and cruel Monster corporation, which is hell bent on destroying peoples lives for profit and killing democracy.

They will never change and must be forced into fairness and into having Ethics and Morals, by our own Government of "WE THE PEOLE" before they devour we the people, like a swarm of locusts devours the hard working farmers fields...

YouTube - Why Bank Of America Fired Me

Bank of America is an Army of Greed & Hate..


LoanSafe Member

Tougher measures to stem foreclosures NOV 30 09

t r u t h o u t | As Treasury Department Stumbles, Liberals Push Tougher Measures to Stem Foreclosures



LoanSafe Member
Maybe they will not be able to get out of HAMP since still owe for warrants which are basically all profit to the Treasury/TARP in addition the fees and high interest they had to pay Treasury (us) on the TARP funds. The high interest rate and the exec compensation limits is why they want out of TARP.

The plan calls for the bank to buy back 1.8 million preferred shares sold to the Treasury Department. For now, the bank isn’t buying back warrants also awarded to the U.S., Bank of America said. The warrants are worth from $943 million to $2.5 billion, depending on the type of valuation used


LoanSafe Member
Thank you IRISHGAL

Bank of America is the enemy - They are destroying millions of lives.

Bank of America is an army of financial TERRORISTS !

HLS: Bulletin: Stuck in the middle

Elizabeth Warren - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Congressional Oversight Panel

YouTube - The Coming Collapse of the Middle Class LONG VIDEO

WALL STREET IS WINNING! Elizabeth Warren "Speechless" About Record Bonuses

Elizabeth Warren: We Rescued The Top Of The System, Left The Bottom To Fend For Itself (VIDEO)

Warren Winning Means No Sale If You Can?t Explain It (Update1) -

Elizabeth Warren: America Without a Middle Class


My Fellow Fighters In defending Democracy, Human Rights & Legal Rights.

I have been seeing comments on just accepting the fact that Bank of America is in business to ONLY make money and never to provide Good Faith customer service, which supports the rights of customers.

That is just the way it is and to accept it ??

And, that voicing our anger and outrage at Bank of Americas Treacherous, Treasonous and Criminal Business practices, whereby THEY engaged and are engaging in Defrauding, Discriminatory practices, which injure customers, is a waste of time and energy, as THEY are TOO BIG TO CARE and especially TOO BIG TO BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE, as they own most of our elected politians !

Once upon a time CHILD LABOR was common and very very profitable for BIG BUSINESS.

Once upon a time BIG BUSINESS had 7 day work weeks and had 12 hour work days, with NO OVERTIME PAY, all for nice FAT profits.


Once upon a time BIG BUSINESS, Owned human beings as Slaves for profit.

And on and on and on !!

Today, BIG BUSINESS owns people through PREDATORY MORTGAGES and Banking Institutions Like Bank of America treat defrauded, virtually Kidnapped Customers, as Financial Slaves.

I say keep on voicing our opinions..

Keep on Voicing our truthful rantings and ravings and our angers about the injustices and corruption Bank of America is practicing..

VENT & VENT & VENT - Voicing our factual opinions is empowering and purging & our human duty

Keep on writing letter after letter

Keep on sending e mail after email to all our polititians and news media.

Only then will Mortgages be modified to at least 31 % and will be Permanently Fixed & Sustainable for the life of the loan.



This is how 7 day work weeks and 12 hour days, with NO OVERTIME PAY were abolished.

This is how workers compensation became a reality.

This is how slavery was abolished


As we were Targeted & Predaciously Defrauded & Forced into becoming their Kidnapped FINANCIAL SLAVES !!!

We must force Bank of America to END their Financial Genocide upon us good faith, defraude and discriminated against borrowers.

These banking Institutions are financial Oligarchies who have insidiously invaded our lives<!-- google_ad_section_end --> and they are our real enemies, even more so than those we fight oversees.

Bank of America is destroying millions of lives and they are financial terrorists


LoanSafe Member
Maybe they will not be able to get out of HAMP since still owe for warrants which are basically all profit to the Treasury/TARP in addition the fees and high interest they had to pay Treasury (us) on the TARP funds. The high interest rate and the exec compensation limits is why they want out of TARP.

The plan calls for the bank to buy back 1.8 million preferred shares sold to the Treasury Department. For now, the bank isn’t buying back warrants also awarded to the U.S., Bank of America said. The warrants are worth from $943 million to $2.5 billion, depending on the type of valuation used

Bank of America to Repay Bailout, Easing CEO Search (Update2) -

Well Well - So much for our childrens children suffering, while banks STRUGGLED in paying back TARP !

What a farce upon the American people and the world.

The ONLY TRUE reason Bank of America is paying back TARP is because they do not want to be FORCED into the accountability of providing Sustainable Permanent Loan Modifications.

And they want to stuff they own GREEDY executive pockets, with no one looking over their shoulders.

I certainly hope Karma is a true thing and a payback curse of some sort befalls all the Bank of America employees who are in fact corrupt crooks.

Short of that, I hope our laws will support all who are in need of modification help VERY SOON.

Bank of America is Criminally Disgusting

Bank of America to Repay Bailout, Easing CEO Search (Update2) -


LoanSafe Member
Thank you Martialgir

I just read an article that made me see white. It is time for the coordinated, results oriented, taking back our country revolution to begin and I believe I can provide a possible vehicle.

First of all, I am an insider to the banking industry. If you want to find out a little bit more about my background and story, I have provided some information on the mortgage broker forum and the thread regarding whether or not mortgage professionals should participate in loansafe. My handle is martialgir and I have posted some responses in the past week or so.

Secondly, everyone reading this forum needs to understand where they really stand in the scheme of things so they (you) can get a reality check regarding your own personal circumstances and your possibility of a successful outcome. Reading articles in the mainstream media is not going to provide you with the honest answers you need. However, I am going to provide you with a "bankers" website/blog/financial related news site which will give you the unvarnished version of what those in the industry need to know about the changing markeplace because their jobs are on the line as well.

I want to clarify that many of the loan originators that visit the site I am giving you are the last few good men (and women) standing. If they have perservered it is because they have strong ties to their communities, have been in the business for a long time and/or are known for their integrity. Just like borrowers, there are some bad apples.

The web address is The Mortgage Lender Implode-O-Meter - tracking the housing finance breakdown, related to Alt-A and subprime mortgages, lending fraud, predatory lending, housing bubble, mortgage banking, foreclosures, debt, consolidation, lawyers, class-action lawsui

If you want to know what those in the industry are talking about then you need to go to their water cooler. The news section in the middle of the front page will provide a myriad of helpful articles from multiple financial sources and will tell you the bottom line. Many of you may see you and your situation in these articles.

The thing that has been lacking, as far as getting results from these banks we have bailed out, is the appearance of a cohesive, collective, movement, with an identifying trademark. Also, the control of the outcome needs to be out of the hands of the banksters. Letters to legislators, petitions, you-tube videos are all well and good but they are random and lack the synchronicity of a gathering storm which increases with each passing day. You need to make the banksters fear this movement in addition to the politicians they sleep with.

Many have said to just stop paying your credit cards, other bank loans and mortgages. Many have done that either by choice or because there has been no alternative. Many are afraid to because of their credit scores, sense of honor, among other issues. To these banksters those that don't pay are simply collateral damage and have been squeezed to the point where there is nothing left. Believe me, whoever has anything left will not have it for long if they have anything to say about it. Look at 29% interest rates for good customers.

Someone in an article I read recently made a joke saying that everyone should take a picture of their middle finger and send it in the payment envelope and mail that to the banks instead of a payment. Believe it or not, I think this is an excellent idea but on a large scale, grass roots movement kind of effort. First of all, those that can't pay should send a copy of their middle finger every month, to all of the lenders they can't pay. For those that choose not to pay, the same thing with any letters expressing why you are doing it, etc. etc. For those that are going to pay for as long as they can, they should also do it with the threat that they will quit paying if their rates aren't reduced on CC's or if their modification is not approved, etc. I think every networking site should be contacted with this plan so that a trademark is established, a common denominator,a link which tells the banksters that we are all in this together and the momentum is gathering. This gets everyone on board whether they can pay or not.

Think about this for a minute...the payment processing centers begin seeing a few of these here and there, the next month there are more, supervisors are notified, in the next month, many more and so on. Each month a copy, with any letters can also be sent to the offices of legislators in your jurisdiction. Perhaps you could mention in the copies to congress/senate that they need to revisit the cramdown legislation. What begins as maybe a few thousand of these across the country, could grow to 10,000, 50,000, a million over a few months. This would be a great media story as well.

Lastly, while this may be distasteful to some of you, there needs to be a message that really shakes the powers that be to their core. This is the ultimate in defiance and passive aggression and it mirrors exactly what they have been saying to and about us all this time. Now is not the time to be worried about manners, or showing trepidation or even being inactive. There is safety in numbers. Also, for those who don't have the stomach to stop paying, at least it demonstrates a solidarity for those who have suffered and who have no choice.

There are very little options we have that put the control back in our own hands. Creating a little fear on the part of the banksters would do a world of good because we have the ability to bring the whole house down, via quitting to pay, via moving our money to credit unions, etc. Up until this point, there has been no real coordinated, collective message. A little fear might instill the message that we mean business. And yes, if we pulled the entire system down it would be catastrophic, however, doing nothing is also catastrophic. Every time a family loses their home it is a catastrophe. The trademark/identifying feature is the key to making any grassroots movement work and this is as good as any. Anyway, that's the idea. Feel free to use as you see fit.

The web address is The Mortgage Lender Implode-O-Meter - tracking the housing finance breakdown, related to Alt-A and subprime mortgages, lending fraud, predatory lending, housing bubble, mortgage banking, foreclosures, debt, consolidation, lawyers, class-action lawsui

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