PLEASE ONLY POST - Articles, Official Letters, Testimony, Rules and Regs. Moe - perhaps a Sticky is


LoanSafe Member
To remind folks this FDIC model is not what is used for HAMP but it has been tested by some to yield the same trail payment.

However it does not predict pass of fail of the HAMP Net Present Value Test which is different and "secret" which is part of the problem trying to find out why rejected.


LoanSafe Member

Linda R. Monk, J.D.: The Sorcerer's Apprentice: Geithner Should Step Down

I like her. Tell it like it is.
Fantastic article thank you !

I also read this article there about firing "TIMMY"

Rep. DeFazio: Fire "Timmy" Geithner

Geithner is a good example of everything that is Financially & Democratically wrong with our Country today and he exemplifies how the banking Institutions are ALSO getting away with murder, when it comes to Prompt, Sustainable & Permanent Loan Modifications, which help WE THE PEOPLE, who were Defrauded.


Thanks zander.
If they don't abide by the guidelines, file a complaint with the MHA compliance officer and cite the exact section they violated. If more complaints are filed, hopefully Freddie will step up and start auditing the servicers files. And not just the files the servicers hand them (the ones that are in compliance).


LoanSafe Member
Not sure if this has been posted before. If it has, sorry for the duplicate. Pretty good checklist. Thought it might come in handy.
Thank you !

Never ever be concerned about posting something that MAY have already been posted.

Actually, we welcome duplicate posts because we all need to be reminded over and over and over again about how bad the banks are and how we must continually / over and over and over again, stick up for ourselves and make sure the banks are doing the right things.

Thank again for the post


Thanks Thanks2u. I will have this checklist at my fingertips next time I go the rounds with Skank. When we are armed with knowledge, we will be a much fiercer force to be reckoned with!


LoanSafe Member

Few getting long-term mortgage help - Nov. 19, 2009

Here is some of the truth behind the bull crap "Active Trial Modifications"

I knew all the REPORT CARD CRAP was just a sinister smoke screen !

Obama needs to step up and FORCE these TARP Fund Babies, these Roman Army Banking Oligarchy Institutions, to permanently modify loans and NOT JUST to permanently modify these millions of loans, he, Mr. President Barack H. Obama, OUR PRESIDENT, needs to make sure the loans are SUSTAINABLE / VIABLE for the borrowers over the Entire Length of the loan terms, from 15 to 20 to 30 to 40 years.

Permant mods mean zero nothing unless theyare affordable over the entire length of the loan.

Enough of this BS crap about the bank will give you a trail period for 3 to 6 to 8 plus months and then MAYBE, if the abusive bank FEELS LIKE IT and they are not too busy copying their naked fat asses on the zerox machines, instead of doing the real modification paperwork work necessary, will MODIFY you PERMANENTLY for up to a max of 5 years and then increase payments to an interest cap that many borrowers will then still NOT be able to afford at the end cap rate.

90 % of the banks modification process is pure Bull Crap

Modifications need to be made permanent at FIXED permanent rates that are affordable for the entire length of the loans from 15 to 20 to 30 to 40 year terms.

And Reduction of Principal must be made mandatory, to a reasonable amount, so that homeowners can stay in their homes at sustainable modification costs. Even if a reasonable non interest balloon payment needs to be implimented at the end of the loan term..

What happened to the 2 to 3 % fixed for life - PERIOD - end of story - everyone wins and then this real estate part of the economy is balanced instantly, with millions of homeowners staying in their homes, with a bit of money to spare to put back into the economy .

These damn banks need to be brought to their knees for all their criminal abuses and if they refuse to cooperate, OFF WITH THEIR HEADS !

Figuratively of course : )

Few getting long-term mortgage help - Nov. 19, 2009



THANKS2YOU -- are a true warrior.
Oh. It appears you and I know that the report card was CRAP. How about the report only including the 60+ days delinquent borrowers. HELLO! I know there are borrowers who are adamant about paying their mortgage, NO MATTER THE COST. Yes, this means borrowing against credit cards to make that happen. ARE THESE NOT THE SAME PEOPLE YOU SHOULD BE BOWING DOWN TO? Oh yeah, you have a better business if you foreclose. I was so naive beginning this journey, I actually thought if I could show Skank that it would cost them more foreclosing than getting my mod, no brainer, right? WRONG!

I could only wish that the majority of Americans are borrowing against SKANK credit cards to pay their mortgage! Okay, selfish in that thought but WHF? I can dream, can't I? File BK and let this $10 million executive salary take a wayside.

Most definitely a smoke screen and I hope that smoke blows up the buttholes of the any skank subsidiary, BOA, BAC, you know the companies created to hide this bullsheat.

The only hope we have with Obama stepping up to FORCE these TARP funds babies to be held accountable is about as good as hoping my kid steps up to stop back-talking his mama. Slim to none, my guess. NOT going to happen. I voted for this SOB, I will definitely be instrumental in voting his sorry ass out when I get the chance.

Reduction of principal you say.... not a chance in most cases. The government was responsible for this crisis. Where the double H e ll where they when the predatory lending was here at it's finest. No where. Wonder why.... couldn't be greed, could it? WTF?

WHERE ARE THE JAIL SENTENCES? No where. Oh that's right. The banks are in bed with the politicians.

I have a small part I can play. Voting your sorry ass out when I can. You bet your sweet bippie I will. I am quite influential. If I can play a part in voting your sorry butt out, you can bet your sweet beepie I will play the most active role every recorded in voting your sorry butt out of office.

I will fight against this injustice until there is no fight left. FAITH, a loansafe member has instilled in me a new found courage that I will it until I can no more. You took her home you piece of crap. I will devote more hours a week to this cause than I do to earn my salary.

Let's go!


LoanSafe Member
I think Skank's checklist is different:
1. Misinform/lie to homeowner
2. Squeeze out payments by any means possible.
3. Drag out process unnecessarily.
4. Drive homeowner insane.
5. Make homeowner give up trying.
6. Repeat step 1 to 4 until step 5 of the waterfall is achieved.

I'm just speculating of course! ;)


LoanSafe Member
I think Skank's checklist is different:
1. Misinform/lie to homeowner
2. Squeeze out payments by any means possible.
3. Drag out process unnecessarily.
4. Drive homeowner insane.
5. Make homeowner give up trying.
6. Repeat step 1 to 4 until step 5 of the waterfall is achieved.

I'm just speculating of course! ;)
But this seem's to be the TRUTH so Shall it Be Written:rolleyes:


Tami Luhby wrote an article, I believe posted here. Few getting long-term mortgage help - Nov. 19, 2009

Can you all please take a moment to send her an email [email protected] and thank her for covering this crisis. If we can get the press involved, and keep them involved, the banks will not be able to hide in their web of deceit.

Please invite Ms. Luhby here to learn about thousands of homeowners desperately trying to get their loans modified.


Thanks Caldwell.

Exposing the banks for what they are doing to us will help our cause.

Any chance you all can take just a few minutes and send this lady an email, asking her to join us here on the forum and we appreciate her covering this issue?


LoanSafe Member
read it sent it, good idea maybe a mass emailing to all of the media is in order. Maybe that negative attention will help them do the right thing