Bagels at a Bar mitzvah Part II


LoanSafe Member
The responses here outline the various defenses and counter claims that can be used in a response to a foreclosure. Given the different states, I thought this federal form might help anyone who finds themselves needing to respond to a foreclosure complaint without an attorney. (Some courts provide pro se assistance but not all.) Some of these can be grouped such as laches, statute of limitations, and estopple. It's just a reference on how to answer the complaint... when answering, you don't have to outline a defense in full and give away your legal direction. Usually these things are developed after discovery or with evidence attached.

Of course, getting an attorney is the best move but it doesn't always happen. Sometimes local legal aid will provide one for free if you are under a certain income or elderly.



LoanSafe Member
The responses though do not support my SOL argument and keep my out of foreclosure though. So I'm freaking out.
I think you will be okay but, regardless, if they file a foreclosure you are required to be served. Just file an answer and include the statute of limitations, accord and satisfaction, laches, ANYWAY. Keep everything you have that says zero principal balance and scan it and save on disc or thumbdrive. I have lost so much crap on old hardrives and paper that was water damaged. (which I DID need later to defend the foreclosure only to find it no longer existed!) You don't want it to be lost when you need it in 3 or 4 years. Hopefully not 3 or 4 months but you know what I mean.