PLEASE ONLY POST - Articles, Official Letters, Testimony, Rules and Regs. Moe - perhaps a Sticky is


LoanSafe Member
Testimony of Jack Schakett of BOA before the House Financial Committee:

He is basically saying that HAMP is due to expire on Dec 31, 09 for 65,000 borrowers that made 3 trial payments!! According to him there are 50,000 incomplete trials due to missing required docs or due to some discrepancies in the collected doc. Of course he is putting the blame on the borrowers!! He said that BOA is working with the Treasury to give consideration to borrowers who basically completed all the requirements but still would miss the Dec 31 deadline, if this didn't work and they couldn't be included in HAMP, BOA will work with them by offering similar in-house modification program!

Read his testimony here:


LoanSafe Member
Here is a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays video from U tube / Loansafe, reminding us all that the Banking Institutions are happy to see many millions of people, especially Homeowners suffering, so that the banks can Stuff their Sadistic Stranglehold Stockings full of Cash and also fill up high to the brim their BIG GULP Cups, with the TEARS of their Defrauded and Discriminated against Homeowners............

Banks like BANK OF AMERICA want to see borrowers tears overflowing in their Mercenary Christmas Mugs, as each tortutous tear they squeezed from homeowners, represents another Triumphant Dollar they have Stolen from the American people and especially from beaten down Borrowers.

May your loving GOD give you far far more this year in Goodness & Love, than the dark Devil gives to these Financial Terrorists, we call Banking Institutions.



LoanSafe Member
Here is a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays video from U tube / loansafe


reminding us all that the Banking Institutions are happy to see many millions of people, especially Homeowners suffering, so that the banks can Stuff their Sadistic Stranglehold Stockings full of Cash and also fill up high to the brim their BIG GULP Cups, with the TEARS of their Defrauded and Discriminated against Homeowners............

Banks like BANK OF AMERICA want to see borrowers tears overflowing in their Mercenary Christmas Mugs, as each tortutous tear they squeezed from homeowners, represents another Triumphant Dollar they have Stolen from the American people and especially from beaten down Borrowers.

May your loving GOD give you far far more this year in Goodness & Love, than the dark Devil gives to these Financial Terrorists, we call Banking Institutions.





LoanSafe Member
Not sure if anyone else posted this already, but here is the Treasury press release with link to the Dec HAMP progress report including data on permanent mods (BofA is PATHETIC!)... | U.S. Department of the Treasury

I always encourage 2 or 3 or 4 or even more duplicate posts, as it is too difficult to search all posts on this thread and worry whether the article or link, etc has already been stated.




LoanSafe Member

Thank you IRISH GAL

Bank Bailouts -


Another good article re "moral hazard" in this country. Anyone who still buys into this "moral hazard" argument re homeowners only is seriously misinformed, intellectually stubborn or just plain mean spirited if they continue to choose to publicly flog distressed homeowners who choose to walk. The whole society, country, has gone rogue when it pertains to "moral hazard." The only ones getting beat up about it are today's homeowners who are trying to save themselves and their families, by walking. What a crime! Walking is the only econ smart, sane option today, unless you enjoy owing double/triple what a home is truly worth, along with that predatory relationship w/ the banking cartel for yrs to come. Just IMHO. Walkers most likely would not be choosing to walk in droves if banks were providing real mods, including principle reductions. Just think of yourself as a big bank that pushes its politically sanctioned high risks and debts onto the econ as a whole, with no problem. The only difference is in their morally hazardous world, they continue to collect fantasy bonuses at the end of the year while walking homeowners get to get beat up by the misinformed, intellectually stubborn or mean spirited, among us. Oh well. At least you got rid of that $100k or more dead equity, for good. And got rid of those banking cartels, hopefully, for good. Let's hope the meanies will find new scapegoats, soon. They seem to always need to have someone to beat up on. :eek: Who cares what the meanies think?

Bank Bailouts -<!-- google_ad_section_end -->


LoanSafe Member
Thank you again IRISH GAL

I / IRISH GAL - started this thread to address/consolidate information on Elizabeth Warren, Chair of the Congressional Oversight Panel to address TARP issues. Here we can provide information, updates and progress about her role/work, COP, TARP issues, contact info, news, feedback, etc.


Elizabeth Warren - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

COP site:

Congressional Oversight Panel

Ms. Warren has been advocating on behalf of the American middle class and consumer for years. She's a law professor of contract law at Harvard, while also Chairing the COP. Before the econ crisis, she conducted extensive legal research re American middle class / bankruptcy filings which has resulted in her great alarm for the economic survival of the middle class/working class American. I've included a good starter video on Ms. Warren's prior work re collapse of the American middle class. It's an hour long, so make some coffee, or pour some wine, relax and enjoy! If you want to educate yourself more on Ms. Warren's work, there's several good You Tube videos of her work, opinions, and desire to educate and protect the American consumer from the "tricks and traps" set for them by the previous and current financial services industry, which has helped to create and foster the current indigent and "dead consumer" class now widespread in America.

YouTube - The Coming Collapse of the Middle Class

Warren interview of Oct 16, 2009 (Business Insider/Clusterstock):

WALL STREET IS WINNING! Elizabeth Warren "Speechless" About Record Bonuses

"Two Income Trap"

book by Elizabeth Warren and Amelia Warren Tyagi (her daughter)

HLS: Bulletin: Stuck in the middle

Latest comments by Eliz. Warren re TARP/bailouts. Latest COP report is completed and can be obtained at COP site. Unfortunately, due to Wall St. running the show, her message is routinely consistent: Main St. continues to get hosed. Oh, and also, the big banks have gotten bigger and the risk (to taxpayers) is worse today than it was a year ago. The big banks are back to reckless behavior on our dime. Wall St. bonuses are bigger this yr than last.

Elizabeth Warren: We Rescued The Top Of The System, Left The Bottom To Fend For Itself (VIDEO)<!-- google_ad_section_end -->

Current article by Elizabeth Warren.

Elizabeth Warren: America Without a Middle Class<!-- google_ad_section_end -->
<!-- google_ad_section_end -->
Current interview w/ Elizabeth. I so hope she is appointed to oversee the new (hopefully) Consumer Protection Agency she's trying desperately to push through. Better days will be coming if she is in charge of an a consumer protection agency with real teeth!

Warren Winning Means No Sale If You Can?t Explain It (Update1) -<!-- google_ad_section_end -->

<!-- google_ad_section_end -->
Taibbi article: Warren For President.

Matt Taibbi - Taibblog - True/Slant

Thanks IRISH GAL for all the above links

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LoanSafe Member
from kbrian228

Out of 156,864 borrowers in the trial program ONLY about 2% to 4 % have received permanent loan mod.

Bank Of America stands to make $600,000 on a $350,000 foreclosed property thru insurance, writeoff, selling cheap to a subsidiary and repurchasing via a complex game. Reverse renting etc

It is good to talk, But ACTA NON VERBA

What are you going to do?
We have all been played.

Simple step 1

Get at least 5 relatives, fellow church members, close friends to cancel their business dealing ie( accounts, 401k, stock, insurance .....) from BOA and subsidiary to a credit union or community bank.

let us start a disvestment campaign!

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LoanSafe Member
Thanks for your post & Link below HOUSEBROKEN13

I believe that All Abusive Bullies and Criminals try to Blame and Shame their victims.

Banking Institutions, like Bank of America, are really common Thugs and Criminals, who are continually Bullying homeowners !

Only 10,000 permanent loan modifications so far - Yahoo! Finance

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Only about 10,000 homeowners received permanent loan modifications this fall under the Obama administration's mortgage relief plan, harsh proof of the continuing woes for the government's effort to stem the foreclosure crisis, a watchdog report said Wednesday.

The Treasury Department is expected to release updated results Thursday, but data through October show that fewer than 5 percent of homeowners who completed the trial periods had their mortgage payments permanently lowered to more affordable levels.
The results spotlight the limited success lenders are having in getting borrowers through the trial period, according the oversight panel report.
The biggest challenge: only one in three homeowners who have signed up for the Obama administration's program plan have sent back the necessary paperwork.
Elizabeth Warren, chair of the watchdog panel, told reporters that the program is "not working" and that it had failed to make a dent in the record level of foreclosures, which continues to rise. More than 14 percent of homeowners with a mortgage are either late on their payments or in foreclosure.
Under the program, eligible borrowers who are behind or at risk of default can have their mortgage interest rate reduced to as low as 2 percent for five years. They are given temporary modifications, which are supposed to become permanent after borrowers make three payments on time and complete the required paperwork, including proof of income and a hardship letter.
Much of the criticism for the disappointing results is being leveled at the banks, many of which received billions in taxpayer bailout dollars. Calls are growing louder on Capitol Hill for the Obama administration to take a tougher approach.
The Treasury Department, is expected to release updated numbers through November on Thursday, which are likely to be higher but still disappointing. A spokeswoman declined to comment Wednesday.
Housing counselors say mortgage companies have frequently lost paperwork and offered little explanation for denying borrower applications.
But mortgage industry executives say homeowners simply are not complying with the program's requirements, despite their best efforts to reach out.
"Most of it is because (homeowners) will not file the documents," Jamie Dimon, JPMorgan Chase & Co.'s CEO, said this week. "We need the documents. We are trying to simplify it. The government made it a little more complex, but we are trying to do a good job and reduce the bureaucracy."

AP Business Writer Daniel Wagner contributed to this report.

We need to tell Daniel to get his facts straight!<!-- google_ad_section_end --> <SCRIPT type=text/javascript><!--google_ad_client = "pub-9439165354589625";/* 336x280, created 12/9/09 */google_ad_slot = "3961481147";google_ad_width = 336;google_ad_height = 280;//--> </SCRIPT><SCRIPT type=text/javascript src=""> </SCRIPT><SCRIPT>google_protectAndRun("ads_core.google_render_ad", google_handleError, google_render_ad);</SCRIPT>


LoanSafe Member

And thank you Evan for your help here and especially in supporting your Father...

Here are direct links from the White House -Remarks by President Obama on the Economy

Dec 14, 09 THE VIDEO

President Obama on Meeting with Bank CEOs | The White House


Remarks by the President on the Economy | The White House

Let us Hope the Banking Institutions will be FORCED to help Distressed Homeowners first and foremost, so that the homeowners will be able to stay in their homes and be able to contribute to the economy, instead of Just paying the Banks MORE AND MORE MORTGAGE MONEY, with nothing left over for the homeowners to spend on the overall economy.

This is Key to Obama's "Rules of the Road and is a BIG part of our MAIN STREET economy !<!-- google_ad_section_end -->


LoanSafe Member
A Dec 9, 2009 Rolling Stone article

Obama's Big Sellout : Rolling Stone
Thank you Slim Shavings for the link above

And Moe, In your statement below, is the SAD & Entire TRUTH of it ALL !

Washington has worked this way since the 1700's. The problem is that the public is not educated on how our world operates and things like this have always been done by design. If one just researches the true history of America, they will find that we are lied to in order to keep us pacified and in order. Now, it is done blatantly to our faces, but the propaganda and brain washing have worked so well, we remain apathetic, good little citizens.

If you are asleep, you never will be awake to see the reality of which we call our lives. One that is not what we think it is, but one that has been sold to us from birth.<!-- google_ad_section_end -->
<!-- google_ad_section_start(weight=ignore) -->Moe Bedard