LoanSafe Member
Holy cow! AZ isn't projected to turn around until 2023!!
I know! This report is too pessimistic, it's SCARY!! I hope they are totally off..Holy cow! AZ isn't projected to turn around until 2023!!
Someone posted this link on another thread..the link has a map of the U.S. showing an estimate of how many years it will take for the housing market to recover in each state.
Analysts say it will take more than 10 years to recapture peak home prices
Thank you - Finally some truth about how it really is with the timeframe to home price recovery
France Telecom suicides spark concern | 89.3 KPCC
And here is some more truth about what happens when OUR Governemnt of supposed "We the People" Democracy, allows big business A.K.A. Banking Institution backed companies, to take over and how Moe has pointed out that Our 4 th American President Thomas Jefferson predicted... BIG BUSINESS, backed up by BIG BANKING Institutions, will take over our Government and control the Currency, Control Our people & Control our overall economy and use people like Dollar a head cattle commodities...
This also reminds me of how California sold off all their basically citizen run Electrical Power plants, which put electrical power prices into the hands of greedy evil thieves. Southern California Electrical prices are now financially murderous
These Banking Institutions collusively allow big business to Destroy Democracy, Ruin the Economy and Ruin peoples lives for pure greed, while OUR GOVERNMENT of supposed WE THE PEOPLE, does nothing at all of TRUE consequence.
Banks like Bank of America are Financially Murdering us and then they hope to Nefariously weed out those who will NOT live with an "IGNORANCE IS BLISS" philosophy by LITERALLY PUSHING THEM OVER THE EDGE, to their real deaths.. Which is, in my opinion, part of Bank of Americas torturous loopholes and elongating terrorism tactics of continually stalling any true viabale modifications..
Bank of America and Fannie Mae, etc really wishes we would just all go away and die. Then they could get back to business as usuall, with a new fresh meat herd of calves to burn & brand, any way they see fit..
Stand strong - Do not live in ignorance and fight back to win against these diabolocal devils...
We shall prevail and we will keep our homes and our Democratic Society !
France Telecom suicides spark concern | 89.3 KPCC
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Philadelphia Field Hearing on Mortgage Foreclosures
Click on every TESIMONY link and read or print out.
This is just amazing information the most current that I found.
Sniglet in WA
I went back to CDIA and did find the reporting guidelines (I guess the site was down or something). Now you have to register on the site to access the details...I searched this thread since I know I posted the CDIA's credit reporting guidelines for HAMP. Found the link, but page not found comes up. Odd, but no big deal. So then, I go to the CDIA website and searched for "HAMP", "home affordable" and "loan modification". Guess results found! Could it be that after much criticism the CDIA is changing how HAMP mods are reported on credit reports? Or are they just updating it? I don't know, but it sure is strange!
Congressional Oversight Panel October Report:
An Assessment of Foreclosure Mitigation Efforts
After Six Months
Congressional Oversight Panel October Report:
An Assessment of Foreclosure Mitigation EffortsAfter Six Months