Thanks Az we need good diggers like you!!!For those in the HAMP trial period AND are going through the Home Retention Group - 9700 Bissonnet St - Suite 1500 - Houston TX 77036. Ph: 1.866.994.0181
I called again today to check our mod status. After some prodding I was able to get some very helpful info:
Quality Control's direct phone number: 1.866.996.7784. THIS is the number you want to call if you want to get a TRUE update on the status of your Trial Modification.
I also was able to get an email address to send documents to:
[email protected]
It appears that they want proof that we e-filed or to send signed 2008 tax forms and our Schedule A.
see the "letter to the media" thread for contra
Hey, hats off to Moe Bedard and his blogging team, you give us the energy, inspiration and know-how to get through this housing crisis. We really appreciate what you are doing here.
I'm new here, I share your pain...that nobody is talking about. I’ll be going through the same, face it head-on or crash. After I settle down with all this paperwork, and establish the chain in command. I’ll be able to help spread the word. I need to keep low, right now, but I’ll be reading everything, as I have been doing for the last week, trying to figure out this crazy mess.
The main media doesn't want to report on the failing of Obama's rescue plan. They know, but it will be bad for Obama. So the Only thing the media is saying is that Banks are trying to do the best.
Remember today – on this 8th Anniversary of 9-11, the fallen heroes and all the people that died. That give us hope to keep fighting.
Agree, totally. It will be interesting to see, as this winds on and on, and fails more and more, just how the WH and media handle the PR re bottom line / failure outcome. I don't think they will ever get tough w/ banks. I think the issue will just disappear or be reported on less and less. This combined w/ no jobs being created will be a big prob for Obama.The main media doesn't want to report on the failing of Obama's rescue plan. They know, but it will be bad for Obama. So the Only thing the media is saying is that Banks are trying to do the best. coral
It's great that they're doing this but WHY can't they get it implemented sooner? By December there's going to be a lot of people who are going to lose their homes due to the banks <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"><meta name="ProgId" content="Word.Document"><meta name="Generator" content="Microsoft Word 9"><meta name="Originator" content="Microsoft Word 9"><link rel="File-List" href="file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/HP_ADM%7E1/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/msoclip1/01/clip_filelist.xml"><!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:WordDocument> <w:View>Normal</w:View> <w:Zoom>0</w:Zoom> <wNew reporting requirements for HAMP (applies to loans effective starting 12/01/2009)...this includes new reason codes for loans being denied under the program as well as falling out of the trial period:
I posted this on one of the other forums. It confirms my suspicions about having equity and passing the NPV test.I'm not sure what to think after reading this......
Eye on the Bailout - ProPublica
Excellent post!!!This is the best explanation I have seen on why loan mods and short sales get denied (I am posting this one on every forum as this is a must read for anyone on the forum): Real Estate Blog - Is Your Short Sale or Loan Modification Being Turned Down?
Yeah, good stuff. I have said that same thing about a million times in many different articles that are now buried.This is the best explanation I have seen on why loan mods and short sales get denied (I am posting this one on every forum as this is a must read for anyone on the forum): Real Estate Blog - Is Your Short Sale or Loan Modification Being Turned Down?
I am in that same boat regarding my second mortgage...BofA is servicer and investor on that one. Like I mentioned on all the forums pointing to this post...this is just ONE reason for denials, but certainly not the only reason. That list could be endless!Makes perfect sense to everyone but me....who's servicer and investor are one in the same.....and still getting the nine month runaround