PLEASE ONLY POST - Articles, Official Letters, Testimony, Rules and Regs. Moe - perhaps a Sticky is


LoanSafe Member
Am I the only one that is near the edge because if this? If only I could turn time to June 2005 when I bought this house and threw my life away. I am so desperate and depressed suicide is always on my mind. It is like there is NO WAY OUT! Every time I think I have a bit of hope I realize I have no chance.


LoanSafe Member
I think you spend too much time thinking about stuff :p....

Take the rest of the day off!

I know and I'm driving myself crazy doing it. I spent most of the day at the pool with my kids. I promised my hubby I'll tone it down with the loan mod stuff (guess I'm driving him nuts, too). I'm just afraid if I don't keep up with it all, something will slip under my radar. If I hadn't done as much researching as I have, I might have believed everything my HUD counselor told me. She's talking to the same peons that I am at BofA. One of them told her, "yes, they qualify for MHA and to send in first payment". I said, no way, I'm not sending them a dime unless I have it in writing. I've got MHA OCD! :D


LoanSafe Member
Am I the only one that is near the edge because if this? If only I could turn time to June 2005 when I bought this house and threw my life away. I am so desperate and depressed suicide is always on my mind. It is like there is NO WAY OUT! Every time I think I have a bit of hope I realize I have no chance.
Please take comfort in others here on the forum. You are not alone. We are all feeling desperate, depressed, scared, angry, and frustrated. If you are seriously contemplating suicide, please go seek help. Losing a house is not worth losing your life over. Whatever it is you enjoy doing, go take the time to do it. It sounds like you need a major pick me up. Again, you are not alone. Keep your chin up and keep hope alive!


LoanSafe Member
but for me the house was everything. All my money was in it. I have nothing otherwise. At my age I am going to have to start all over, and with bad credit. I was even accepting starting over if I sold the house, at least I would have my dignity and credit. But the house just won't sell, no one wants it. So now I have to lose everything... the shame and fear and anger is killing me.


LoanSafe Member
but for me the house was everything. All my money was in it. I have nothing otherwise. At my age I am going to have to start all over, and with bad credit. I was even accepting starting over if I sold the house, at least I would have my dignity and credit. But the house just won't sell, no one wants it. So now I have to lose everything... the shame and fear and anger is killing me.
I'm sure there are many others here who feel the same way or have a similar story to tell. You alone are not to blame for the state of our economy or the situation you are now in. None of us expected to be faced with this kind of situation. Don't feel ashamed. We all suffer setbacks in life. I know many people who aren't faced with losing their homes but have lost so much of their retirement savings due to the stock market. Keep in mind that there is always someone else out there that has it worse than you. Here's a site with some famed quotes on failure. Please read through them and don't see your situation as one of utter failure, but as an opportunity for personal growth and comeback :): Failure Quotes - The Best Quotes on Failure and Success - from Inspirational Spark


LoanSafe Member
NO house on this planet is worth suicide!!!...We're all stressed...some days I just laugh..( I could swear I'm on candid camera)...other days I sit and drive myself and my family NUTS with this whole process...BUT...I will NEVER let it get me THAT down..its not worth it. There are so many people living way more horrible lives than I live...I keep that thought 1st and foremost in my mind!!!! SOOOO chin up!!


LoanSafe Member
Am I the only one that is near the edge because if this? If only I could turn time to June 2005 when I bought this house and threw my life away. I am so desperate and depressed suicide is always on my mind. It is like there is NO WAY OUT! Every time I think I have a bit of hope I realize I have no chance.


I too feel depressed every day about this economy and the real possibility of foreclosure and not having enough food and basically not enough money to make all my expenses -

Suicide has crossed my mind a few times, as all seems lost and the ones in power are actually doing little to truly help and have it in for us.

The banks and servicers and investors really are a NIGHTMARE !!!:eek:

But then I see and know of the people who are blind, deaf, crippled, cancer-ridden and who are trapped like prisoner in countries where there truly is no hope, no joy, no freedom, no power to control their destiny.

We all have the power to control our own destiny and to at least try and try again to get these loans in order and to also take a safe walk at the bookstore or mall or beach or park.. To call friends and family and keep our gardens alive and well

Perhaps you could adopt a pet at your local shelter and save their life and in turn they will give so much love and joy to you..

I highly recommend visiting WWW.MERCOLA.COM

Dr. Mercola has lots of stuff on helping with our lives overall...

Keep respecting yourself and loving yourself and do not allow the negative to push away the positive goodness which you bring and you are in the world now and forever...

Our lives echo into each other in many mysterious and wonderful ways

Stay on track and focus on giving good things to yourself, whatever those good things are for you :p

Even Oprah has depressing days, she has said so herself, to millions of us watching her and her ups and downs are a part of her life today..

Yet, It is just a temporary part of life sometimes & will pass..

Make sure you are excercising, eating well, doing things you like and love to do and always remeber you deserve to be happy everyday, no matter what else is going on around you ;)


LoanSafe Member

I too feel depressed every day about this economy and the real possibility of foreclosure and not having enough food and basically not enough money to make all my expenses -

Suicide has crossed my mind a few times, as all seems lost and the ones in power are actually doing little to truly help and have it in for us.

The banks and servicers and investors really are a NIGHTMARE !!!:eek:

But then I see and know of the people who are blind, deaf, crippled, cancer-ridden and who are trapped like prisoner in countries where there truly is no hope, no joy, no freedom, no power to control their destiny.

We all have the power to control our own destiny and to at least try and try again to get these loans in order and to also take a safe walk at the bookstore or mall or beach or park.. To call friends and family and keep our gardens alive and well

Perhaps you could adopt a pet at your local shelter and save their life and in turn they will give so much love and joy to you..

I highly recommend visiting WWW.MERCOLA.COM

Dr. Mercola has lots of stuff on helping with our lives overall...

Keep respecting yourself and loving yourself and do not allow the negative to push away the positive goodness which you bring and you are in the world now and forever...

Our lives echo into each other in many mysterious and wonderful ways

Stay on track and focus on giving good things to yourself, whatever those good things are for you :p

Even Oprah has depressing days, she has said so herself, to millions of us watching her and her ups and downs are a part of her life today..

Yet, It is just a temporary part of life sometimes & will pass..

Make sure you are excercising, eating well, doing things you like and love to do and always remeber you deserve to be happy everyday, no matter what else is going on around you ;)

THANKS2U...what a great post! This is so true!!


LoanSafe Member
New update to servicer FAQs (look for those marked "new" or "revised", most pertain to NPV testing):


You are a super multi tasker and of tremedous help to all here ;)

Looks like KEN LEWIS - The CEO and now PAST Chairman of Bank Of America, might be on his way out -

Hopefully someone who follows laws and with true ethics will replace him..

SEC Settlement May Threaten Bank of America's CEO - TIME

Thanks you again for all your hard work ama125




LoanSafe Member
I found this fantastic BK "means test" calculator. This could be useful for people that might need to file BK chapter 7 to wipe short sale deficiency or chapter 13 to stop foreclosure.

You enter your zip code, then enter your info scrolling down the worksheet, it will tell you whether you qualify for chaper 7 or 13 or both. It will also calculate the disposable income that could be used towards paying debt if you are filing chapter 13.

Nolo Bankruptcy Means Test Calculator for Plymouth, Michigan 48170 - - For cases filed on or after March 15, 2009?<!-- google_ad_section_end -->