PLEASE ONLY POST - Articles, Official Letters, Testimony, Rules and Regs. Moe - perhaps a Sticky is


LoanSafe Member
I also wanted to post this article regarding the Treasury Press release today on the servicers' progress: Which servicers are modifying mortgages under Obama rescue? - Aug. 4, 2009

Note that it states, "Bank of America did not respond to a request seeking comment.".

Maybe they're too busy answering the 80,000 phones calls a day they get or perhaps they just have no good excuse to hide behind for their deplorable progress so far!
CNN posted a revised article today regarding the progress report from 8/4, in it, it now has a statement from BofA:

Bank of America also acknowledged it needs to improve its efforts to reach out to those in need, but noted that it accounts for nearly one in four trial modifications offered under the Obama plan. The bank has extended nearly 100,000 offers, though only 28,000 trial modifications are under way.
The bank, which purchased mortgage titan Countrywide Financial last year, has by far the largest number of eligible delinquent loans: nearly 800,000.

I'd love to know how many of those 800,00 eligible delinquent loans originated with Countrywide! I say to heck with the eligibility criteria, if your loan was with Countrywide, than it should be modified because they probably offered something that they never should have in the first place!


LoanSafe Member
Here is what Obama had to say to the banks: Not surprisingly look who made first place>

Obama tries to shame banks into speeding up mortgage modifications

Lita Epstein
Aug 4th 2009 at 11:20AM
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Filed under: Company News
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As banks continue to drag their feet on mortgage modifications, the Obama administration put out a list of problem banks to shame them into action. Bank of America (BAC) topped the list as one of the worst performers among large mortgage servicers.

Since the $75 billion dollar program started in March, only four percent of Bank of America's eligible loans have entered trial loan modifications. That's a total of 27,985 loans, according to a report released today by the Treasury Department. JPMorgan Chase (JPM) started trial modifications with 20 percent of its loans and Citigroup's (C) rate was about 15 percent. <SCRIPT type=text/javascript>adsonar_placementId=1436303;adsonar_pid=986767;adsonar_ps=-1;adsonar_zw=230;adsonar_zh=260;adsonar_jv='';</SCRIPT><SCRIPT language=JavaScript src=""></SCRIPT><FORM id=qas_frm method=get name=qas_frm action="" target=""><INPUT type=hidden name=ie52_mac_only></FORM><IFRAME id=adsonar_serve414056 height=260 marginHeight=0 src="" frameBorder=0 width=230 name=adsonar_serve414056 marginWidth=0 scrolling=no></IFRAME>

The report released today looks at the levels of homeowner assistance for 31 companies participating in Obama's plan. Generally the report found that the smaller loan servicers were more successful in getting trial modifications started.

Obama hoped to help four million borrowers with his loan modification program, but so far only about 200,000 have been helped. After a meeting in DC last week, the loan servicers agreed to at target of 500,000 by November 1. But that's still too slow when 1.5 million homeowners received at least one foreclosure-related notice in the first six months of 2009.

Banks are picking up the pace a specialist at Deloitte & Touche told Bloomberg. He said modification specialists increased their processing rate from 50 to 100 loans a month to 200 to 300 per month.

The chief executive of Citigroup's CitiMortgage told AP that Citigroup has hired or retrained about 1,400 new workers including an 800-person call-center in Tuscon, Ariz., to work on loan modifications.

Under the Obama plan banks can lengthen repayment terms, lower interest rates to as low as two percent and forbear outstanding principal. They are permitted to use other tools as well to help to keep people in their homes.

There have been so many complaints about the banks and how they've been handling the loan modification process that Freddie Mac will be doing random audits to see if borrowers are being improperly denied.

Have you been denied a loan modification?

Lita Epstein has written more than 25 books ,including The 250 Questions You Should Ask to Avoid Foreclosure.




LoanSafe Member
So, I was reading over this document on the hmpadmin site:

On page 5, it says this,
If there are two borrowers, enter credit scores for both the
borrower and co-borrower.

Now, I don't know where in their calculations this may be used or why they would even look at someone's credit score right now. I HAD great credit back in Feb and March, impeccable credit to be honest! But now, since I'm 150+ days delinquent on my loans plus I've altogether stopped paying my unsecured debts (I may file BK but I'm waiting on the loan mod), I can bet my credit score has tanked significantly! They should look at the history of your credit scores to see what things looked like for you PRIOR to your hardship! Anyone know how credit scores may come into play in their ever-so-secretive calculations???


LoanSafe Member
I came across another article about the whole progress report and look at this excerpt:

Bank of America has done the worst among the large servicers, with offers extended to only 12.5 percent of potentially eligible borrowers and trial modifications begun in only 3.5 percent of the cases. (These figures exclude its subsidiary Home Loan Services.) Moreover, its offer acceptance rate of 28.1 percent is less than half the program’s average. the subsidiary mentioned in the article BAC Home Loans Servicing??? Aren't they the division handling all of us whose loans were held with Countrywide (YES they are)? What are those numbers looking like? I bet even worse than Bank of America!!!! What a nightmare!!!!!!!


LoanSafe Member
hey ama125, did you look at the link i provided -

Home Loan Services Inc. is listed with a 0 for Trial Plan Offers Extended. It also states that BofA figures includes CW loans.

Not sure if this helps.
Home Loan Services Inc. is NOT Bank of America nor Countrywide nor BAC Home Loans Servicing LP. If you click on the list of participating servicers (show all) you will see that there is a link to Home Loan Services Inc and it is definitely a different company... Making Home Affordable -Contact Your Mortgage Servicer


LoanSafe Member

Thank you Medora for letting us know that B of A will reject and deny any modification automatically if the borrower has not made mortgage payments which amount to 25,000 or above and that the borrowers must give "up front funds" to reduce the amount due to BELOW 25,000, in order to get any type of modification offer -

So basically I assume a borrowers can offer about a one month, good faith payment, or whatever amount it takes to just barely get below the 25,000 + past due threshold, in order to be considered for a mod and NOT automatically rejected and declined.

Nice BIG secret that B of A does not usually share and I wonder if they TRUTHFULLY / CAN LEGALLY EVEN DO THAT UNDER HAMP ETC...

I am sure there are many who have not paid for 1 year or more and are 50,000 in arrears, but somehow even some of these far overdue borrowers get Modifications, with NO UP FRONT FEES

So I wonder how much of a SCAM the 25,000 made up rule by Bank of America will hold water LEGALLY !!!!


LoanSafe Member
So if they are at 25,000.00 I would send one penny to make it 24,999.99


LoanSafe Member

THANKS2U...this one's for you! the Forex Portal: Watch Your Wallet - the Countrywide Team (ex Mozilo) is Back

ema125 AMAZING - Thanks

STAN / STANFORD KURLAND and the rest of his ( CELL ) are criminals !

These guys are all terrorists as far as I am concerned....

They should all be forced to set up a business that helps borrowers remain in their homes, as atonemnet for their illegal sins..

But instead they are doing it all over again - Screwing over the borrowers the most -

First they beat the crap out of borrowers, until we fall down and with PennyMac and the rest of their criminal, racketeering businesses, they will Kick us when we are down and toss us into mass graves

You know, these guys plotted / premeditatively planned all this to a T - as in Kurlands, $200,000 + in golf club fees he charged to Countrywide investors. All calculated and easily planned

It was easy for these guys to see that by doing ABC would eventually equal XYZ for them..

I am sure the Plans for PennyMac were in the works since 2004 !

Something should be done to STOP them and all others who are trying to cash in on others suffering..

Sadly, I do not know what

Thank you for posting such a revealing article Ama125





LoanSafe Member
Just a quote from the article :


He also says there is money to be made from foreclosures by third parties. "These loans are being bought for 20 cents on the dollar. A $400,000 loan is costing you $80,000. You can foreclose on that at $150,000 and make money," he said.



It just keeps getting crazier and crazier for us bamboozled & defrauded borrowers, who are enduring inflicted hardships, primarily brought on by the banks and other swindling greed creditors ... -

Thank you for the article Melanie



LoanSafe Member
Here is what Obama had to say to the banks: Not surprisingly look who made first place

Obama tries to shame banks into speeding up mortgage modifications

Lita Epstein
Aug 4th 2009 at 11:20AM
Text SizeAAA

Filed under: Company News
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<SCRIPT type=text/javascript>tweetmeme_source = 'daily_finance';</SCRIPT><SCRIPT type=text/javascript src=""></SCRIPT><IFRAME height=61 src="" frameBorder=0 width=50 scrolling=no></IFRAME>
As banks continue to drag their feet on mortgage modifications, the Obama administration put out a list of problem banks to shame them into action. Bank of America (BAC) topped the list as one of the worst performers among large mortgage servicers.

Since the $75 billion dollar program started in March, only four percent of Bank of America's eligible loans have entered trial loan modifications.<SCRIPT type=text/javascript>adsonar_placementId=1436303;adsonar_pid=986767;adsonar_ps=-1;adsonar_zw=230;adsonar_zh=260;adsonar_jv='';</SCRIPT><SCRIPT language=JavaScript src=""></SCRIPT>

The report released today looks at the levels of homeowner assistance for 31 companies participating in Obama's plan. Generally the report found that the smaller loan servicers were more successful in getting trial modifications started.

Obama hoped to help four million borrowers with his loan modification program, but so far only about 200,000 have been helped. After a meeting in DC last week, the loan servicers agreed to at target of 500,000 by November 1. But that's still too slow when 1.5 million homeowners received at least one foreclosure-related notice in the first six months of 2009.

Under the Obama plan banks can lengthen repayment terms, lower interest rates to as low as two percent and forbear outstanding principal. They are permitted to use other tools as well to help to keep people in their homes.

There have been so many complaints about the banks and how they've been handling the loan modification process that Freddie Mac will be doing random audits to see if borrowers are being improperly denied.

Have you been denied a loan modification?

Lita Epstein has written more than 25 books

THANK YOU ! Great articles

Could you post the August 4 09 Lita Epstein links again.

The 2 top Links posted above as LITA EPSTEIN & Company News / AA size will not connect to anything, at least now there is no connection to anything



Evan Bedard

Call 1-800-779-4547
Loan Safe Mortgage
Thank2you and Ama125,

Great readings and information for all thank you guys for taking your time to help others :)


LoanSafe Member
Thank2you and Ama125,

Great readings and information for all thank you guys for taking your time to help others :)
Just "paying it forward"! Can we please have a sticky on this? Every time I want to post new info, I have to scroll through to find the thread. This would also help curb people posting the same info on separate threads (though I am pleased to see that I'm not the only way reading the headlines).