LoanSafe Member
SO-CA-GALAlso, as BAD as those pieces of dung in-house mods may be, you also have to deal with certain of the banksters breaching the blasted contract!
They take more payments only to then refuse to honor the signed permanent mod contract. So they've bled you and then they turn around and push foreclosure at you.
Now HOW does that help the economy recover? It looks to me that they have other angles that make the foreclosure actually PROFITABLE for THEM. (Example: insurance of the AIG type on the full face-value of the note in those pooled 'asset-backed securities certificates' that funded most CountryWide loans.) BofA screws the tax-payers and borrowers again!
Yes, I agree with you 100 % the banksters have many diabolical ploys to bleed borrowers dry.
We need laws and HUGE fines to stop them from victimizing homeowners !
Thank you for your intelligent input