Question- these new directives for failing the NPV, are theyt retroactive? I was notified failed NPV verbally, but will I be able to get the actual reasons in writing, or is this just going forward from 1/1/10? and able to look over and correct anything on it?(Ihad to immediately sign an in house after verbal denial, to avoid immediate foreclosure). thank you
We won't have to pay for any of it. Well, you can if you really want to. I have a login, which anyone can get on secinfo. Let me know the series # or other info you have. I'll look it up and try to get you a document this weekend so anyone here can get their own logon and look up each securitization agreement they/we need. Part of my job in the last life was writing documentation for our software as well as training during implementation.I found a website that has copies of securitization agreements. You can read part of the agreement, but then I think you have to pay to get the whole document.
Securitization Agreement, Securitization Contracts - Free Legal documents (page 1 of 2)
I need Bank of NY as trustee for "CW-ABS Asset-Backed Securities Certificates 2005-10".We won't have to pay for any of it. Well, you can if you really want to. I have a login, which anyone can get on secinfo. Let me know the series # or other info you have. I'll look it up and try to get you a document this weekend so anyone here can get their own logon and look up each securitization agreement they/we need. Part of my job in the last life was writing documentation for our software as well as training during implementation.
You can download it onto your PC and read all or any part in your own time.
This is going to be a great year, I can see it already!!!!!
Oh Bloom. You are awesome. The SEC is a valuable source of information. We are going to need access to this./QUOTE]
I don't remember what info is needed to get a login but I'm going out there now to verify. Will let you know so we can setup as many logins as we need. Once you provide requested info they will send you step-by-step instructions for using the site. If you have not done this kind of research before it might seem a little overwhelming. Play around with it and you will quickly learn that it is pretty easy to learn and navigate. Tedious and time consuming is more descriptive. I have found most of this data is buried pretty deep. I guess because of it's nature....... UHHHH_HMM !!
In fact, I got the email below from the site admin so they will be happy that I've spread the word about this wonderful 'FREE' source of information.
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comfficeffice" /><o> </o>
Thank you for using our service. In return for the free access you are currently receiving, we ask that you recommend SEC Info to all your friends and associates. This will benefit you, because, by increasing our user base, there will be less of a chance that we will someday ask you to pay us to continue using our site.
<o> </o>
How does this work? The revenue to maintain and improve our site comes from our very-most-frequent users. If and when your usage pattern puts you in that category, we will ask you to subscribe. Because we measure your usage against that of all users, the more people that you can help us attract, the less the probability will be that we will consider you a frequent user and ask you to pay. But even if we don't grow fast enough and do ask you to pay, our subscription rates are less than our competitors ($10/month for individuals, and less per-user for groups).
<o> </o>
We think this is a very fair deal, and thank you for your support.
<o> </o>
SEC Info - Registrar
<o> </o>
Re: - 99999999-999999-999
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Huh? Dodd is on our side he agrees banks need to lend.
Unfortunately Dodd decided not to seek reelection so we may have yet another just say no Republican in the Senate which may doom any future help for Main Street.
Yes we need a HAMP law. But will be almost impossible to get through the just say no block in the Senate since 60 votes needed to even discuss an issue on the floor.
Lets blame the right people, not those on our side.
Thank you for your hard work davephx !My comments posted at the above article:
Other than losing the paperwork many servicers are simply refusing to follow the HAMP directives and making up their own rules to assure borrows will not get a decent affordable modification.
HAMP if followed is a good program and fully funded but its under TARP with no enforcement authority without Congress acting to make a law.
Massive foreclosure sales if HAMP fails will further drive down home values and continue to hurt the economy - and could take down many larger banks with the huge losses on very underwater foreclosure sales.
Many underwater homeowners want to keep their homes as long as the payments can be reduced as under HAMP.
But most of the servicers are trying to avoid HAMP directives and they make more money by foreclosing, managing the property, and selling it even at huge losses for the investor (not servicer). And what about 70% of 1st mortgages are GSE owned or guaranteed (Fannie/Freddie/GINNE) so the servicers make money and the taxpayers lose from the huge losses while the borrow desperately wants to keep their homes even if underwater.
I am concentrating on the current situationRE: Geithner
For the most part I think Geithner has done a good job and the last thing we need is him gone and someone new to start all over again with the HAMP mess. Treasury has been desperatley trying to get the Services to follow the rules with no enforcement power.
Related to AIG, I agreed with the need to bail them out at the time knowing how close we had to a totaly financial system collapse. I don't think HE had anything to do with having the counter parties being paid 100% - which should not have been done. But these like the executive pay were legally enforceable contracts and I am not sure what he could or should have done to violate private contract law.
I think we need to concentrate on the current situation and not who should have, could have, maybe ... from past decisions that were in the best interest to save from a totally collapse and Depression that was avoided.
Lets blame where blame should be and that is with the servicers for not following HAMP/Treasury directives. So far the Treasury has been totally on our side. We don't need to mess it up getting all worked up over what Geithner should have or could have done with AIG last year.